Things Are Heating Up: Gas Hot Water Heater

Gas hot water heaters have been heating the water for many businesses and households for many years. In fact when people turn on their hot water faucet to shave, shower, wash dishes, wash clothes or wash their hands, it is safe to say that not many individuals think of their gas hot water heater.

However, if that flow of hot water stopped it would be a different story. This is because having hot water is a convenience that not many people think about until it is no longer available.

Therefore, it may prove beneficial to have a little knowledge regarding a gas hot water heater. Specifically, how a gas hot water heater works and what are some things that could go wrong to make this type of heater inoperable.

How A Gas Hot Water Heater Works

A gas hot water heater is a modern day appliance that quietly functions in some remote place within the building. Specifically, the holding tank for the water comes in different sizes. Some of those different sizes could include a 10, 20, 30 or 40 gallon hot water tank. The tank is connected to two water lines. The one line leads into the tank and allows the flow of water. The other pipe leads away from the tank and carries the hot water throughout the facility.

In addition, this type of tank utilizes natural gas as the main energy source to heat up the water in the tank. The temperature of the hot water is controlled by a thermostat. When the water in the tank falls below the setting of the thermostat, the thermostat sends a signal to the gas burner to engage. This process then heats up the water in the tank until that temperature setting is reached. Once the temperature setting is reached the thermostat then sends another electrical signal to deactivate the gas burner.

When there is a demand for hot water within the facility the water then flows from the outgoing pipe to where the hot water is required. Once there is an outflow of hot water from the tank there's a corresponding flow of new water into the tank which then repeats the thermostat process of heating up the water to the required temperature.

Things That Could Go Wrong

As with any modern day convenience, there are a number of things that can go wrong with the natural gas water heater. One of the primary things that can cause a disruption in the hot water service is for the thermostat to malfunction.

Another item that could go wrong, but is less costly concerns the pilot light. The pilot light is that particular part of the natural gas water heater that constantly is aflame. Once the thermostat signals to the heating unit that the water needs to be heated the gas then begins to flow and the flame ignites the gas that flows throughout the burner system. Therefore, one of the less costlier things that can happen to stop the flow of hot water is for the pilot light to go out.

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Gas Or Electric: Gas Water Heater

Generally, for the most part today, having running water in the home is a convenience that many take for granted. In addition, having hot water is also something that is taken for granted unless something happens mechanically and we need to call a plumber.

If we were to think of all the everyday occurrences when hot water came out of the faucet we might appreciate this convenience a bit more. Examples of when this occurs are our daily shower, washing our hands, doing the dishes, cleaning clothes, etc.

In addition, there are many methods by which water can be heated. Our water can be heated through an electric water heater, solar power and by using a gas water heater.

Utilizing a gas water heater has been a choice of many households for a number of reasons. Therefore, if considering this method of water heating it is important to understand how a gas water heater works and its benefits.

How A Gas Water Heater Works

A gas water heater is a combination of gas and electrical appliance that heats up water within a home or business so that the individuals within that facility can have access to hot water. Basically, there are two types of water heaters. One is a gas water heater while the other one is an electric water heater.

The basic difference between the two is that one of the units, the electric water heater, utilizes heating elements within the tank to heat up the water that is within the tank. With the gas water heater the water within the tank is heated through a gas burner located at the bottom of the unit.

Basically the water enters the units through a separate tube. The heating of the water is regulated by a separate device mounted on the water heater. That separate device is called a thermostat. When the thermostat is set to a certain temperature and the water within the tank falls below that temperature, the thermostat sends a signal to the heating unit calling for activation. This activation then heats up the water to that temperature and the hot water is then ready to be used. The flow of the hot water is accomplished through the hot water pipes within the facility.


It can be argued that the gas hot water heater is better than the electric water heater and vice versa. Generally, this argument is based on the costs associated with heating water and passing those costs on to the consumer. Frequently, the costs are associated with the energy system that is utilized.

For example with the gas hot water heater the energy source is a combination of gas and electricity. Whereas, the electric water heater utilizes electricity as its energy source. Therefore, depending upon which geographical location the household or business is located would determine the cost factors associated with utilization of electricity or gas.

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Electric Heating Elements

electric tubular elements by Watlow
Electric Heating Elements make the industrial world Hot.

Anderson-Bolds has been selling electric Heating Elements since 1934.
Electric Heating elements are a very simple yet extremely effective way to heat in the industrial work place as well as commercially and in the home.

Electric heating elements can be applied in just about every facet of industrial heating and commercial heating, from surface heating, to tank heating, air heating, drying, heat treating, freeze protection, cooking, air conditioning and frost prevention.

The heating element itself is very simple, made of three main parts, a resistance wire, insulator and metallic sheath. The element then functions under Ohms Law with the relationships of Resistance (ohms), current (amperes), watts and volts. Which one of these can be the constant?
To make an element the three main parts mentioned above are brought together, the sheath material is usually in a tube form (except for plastic cable and strip heaters) and hung in a vertical fashion up to 30 or 40 feet and the resistance wire is then also hung through the center of the tube with spacers at each end (a plug on the bottom end) and stretched taught to keep it centered in the sheath tube. The insulator material is then entered into the tube gently, the material is usually magnesium oxide or MGO. [MGO has the two properties necessary to be very good at its job, to insulate the metal sheath from the electrically charged resistance wire AND be a very good heat transfer medium. MGO does this job very well, unless it gets wet.] The MGO is in a fine sand like consistency when poured and shaken into the tube. [The manufacturing plant has to be fairly tall to make the long elements.] The resistance wire is not straight but in a curl formation running up through the center of the sheath tube. The light shaking of the operation allows the MGO to get in between the curls of the wire to fill all the gaps. No air gaps can be present with the element.

After sufficient time on the vibrators or shakers the filled tubes are capped off and removed and taken to the rollers or presses. The elements are now pressed and squeezed to the desired diameter. There are two other results to this operation, the element is lengthened as it is squeezed and the MGO gets compressed into a solid and fills all remaining spaces within the element and resistance wire spaces.

The Heating element is now ready to be formed into the correct shape, be it straight, hairpin, "M" shaped or any other shape desired for the application. After the element is shaped it is repressed to consolidate any of the MGO that has separated and then terminations are added to the ends of the element.

Heating elements can have sheath materials of Iron, copper, stainless steel, incoloy, inconel, monel or any material needed for temperature ratings or corrosion resistance. The common material are copper for water heating, iron for oil heating, and stainless or incoloy for higher temperatures or corrosion.

Lets return to Ohm's law which is W=I2R or V=IR or I=W/V
are the common formula's used with heating with resistance heating elements. With W = watts, I = amps, v= volts and R=ohms.

When making a heating element, the resistance is the constant in the actual element. The wire diameter and length is chosen to meet the wattage requirement when a specific voltage is present on the element. However different wattages and amperes can be easily achieved with different applied voltages; this can be good and bad. In short, if the voltage is doubled the wattage is quadrupled and conversely if the voltage is halved, the wattage drops to 1/4 of what is was. Example; an element rated at 1000 watts on 240 volts will be 250 watts when 120 volts is applied or will be 4000 watts if 480 volts is applied. The resistance wire is the fixed constant in a heating element and is the key to manufacturing consistent product.

The ease of which electric heating elements can be used to heat product makes them an excellent choice in all manners of heat, from manufacturing, to water heating, floor heating, pipe heating, coffee makers, heat treating and plastic injection molding.

Of course in a heating system, we need to control the temperature, sense the temperature and apply the voltage required, this items make up a heating system. Another blog will describe this system.

Some of our manufactures of heating elements and heaters include, Watlow, Danfoss, Q'Mark, Chromalox, Brisk Heat and Process Heating.

Cleveland, Ohio USA

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