Composition of Redwell Infrared heaters

So far we have looked at how infrared heating (as a concept) works; some of its benefits and talked a lot about its energy efficiency.

What I would like to do in this post is to look at the physical composition of Redwell Infra red heaters themselves.

The three basic components of the heater are:

1) the core element and accumulator;

2) The electronics;

3) The body and heating surface.

Lets look briefly at each using the above diagram.

The Core Element and accumulator
This is a non-flammable material with a very high melting point (1315 degrees Centigrade; 2399 Farenheit). The core is not electrically conductive (handy - you want an accumulator for its electrical and thermal buffering qualities) and exhibits little "hot-spotting" or "layering" if the unit is exposed to freezing temperatures.

The heating unit comes directly from the aerospace industry which makes the Redwell units so reliable and the element itself is manufactured to remain stable for 100 years. (All Infrared Heating brands are NOT the same). This also means the Redwell units themselves do not contribute to "electrosmog" over time.

(What is electrosmog? Electrosmog is the harmful electromagnetic radiation emitted by electrical devices such as mobile phones and wireless networks and over an extended period of time can contribute to headaches, disrupted sleep, irritability, skin complaints etc. Poor quality electrical devices can increase levels of electrosmog as the integrity of the device decays over time.)

The unit is protected from over-heating by a thermostat.

The body and heating surface
The body of a Redwell IR heater is made from enammelled stainless steel and glass according to the shape of the individual heater. Enammeled steel is scratch-proof, acid proof, shatter-proof. The case is made in a range of colours and surfaces can be made with nearly any decorative theme or picture.

The sirface of each unit has "low surface transfer conductivity" which is a fancy way of saying "if you touch it you won't get burnt".

Units are backed (where relevant) by a galvanised metal sheet to add stiffness and resist twist and distortion.

Frames (where applicable) of the units are made of anodised aluminium and installation brackets are provided that are either hidden, or (where visible) available in sympathetic colours.

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