Comparison Between A Natural Gas Water Heater Or Electric

There are many benefits to enjoy when a hot water heater is part of the home's plumbing system. Some of those benefits include a hot shower, thoroughly cleansing one's hands, washing dishes, etc.

To make this hot water available there are many fuel sources that are available to heat up the water. Some of those fuel sources include electricity, solar and natural gas. When considering a specific fuel source it is important to weigh the pros and cons.

Therefore, when it comes to a natural gas water heater it is important to know how this specific heating system works and what are the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing a natural gas water heater.

How A Natural Gas Water Heater Works

There are basically two types of water heaters. The electrical water heater works strictly on electrical power. Specifically, the 10, 20, 30, or 40 gallon tank is filled with water. This water is then heated through the use of two elements that run from top to bottom in the water heater. The actual temperature of the water is controlled by a thermostat. The thermostat is set at a temperature that ranges from warm to high and is controlled by the individuals within the home or business.

On the other hand, a natural gas water heater utilizes a gas burner system that is generally found along the bottom portion of the water tank. The same system that utilizes a thermostat is also in place and regulates the temperature of the hot water. However, when the thermostat sends a signal to the burners to be activated the water is then heated through the energy source of natural gas.

In addition, found in each hot water systems, is a water pipe in which unheated water flows into the tank. One additional pipe carries heated water away from the tank and to various faucets within the home or business.

Advantages And Disadvantages

There are perceived advantages and disadvantages associated with a natural gas water heater and electric water heater. Most of the advantages and disadvantages deal with a person's perception in the use of either natural gas or electricity.

Generally those perceptions deal with the efficiency of the use of either one of these energy sources. In addition, another perspective is whether the energy that is supplied to both of these systems is more cost-efficient than the other.

Therefore, it is important for the individual to determine within their own minds what the best water heater system to utilize is.

Therefore a common way of determining which system to install or utilize would be to do an electric and gas water heater review. These reviews can be accomplished by searching the Internet, talking to professionals or talking to individual owners of each set of systems.

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