Why switch to Infra Red Heating?

OK, stewardship of the planet, "going green", saving the environment is a great thought, but when it comes down to it, most of us aren't likely to swap our existing home or office heating systems just because it is good for the planet. And whilst by and large, infrared heaters are energy-saving and you will be doing your bit for the planet - which is great - it isn't most peoples' primary motivator.

Most people's experience of switching is either because they see an opportunity in IR heaters for cost-savings and capitalising on tax-breaks available, or because their existing heating is in need of replacement and it makes sense to upgrade and then also reap the cheaper running costs, tax breaks, greater reliability, rather than just swap like-for-like with the old unit (of whatever sort that was).

For new build houses, building developers and planners definitely can increase their annual points against carbon emission targets by adopting infra red and the new home / office occupier can benefit immediately from reduced energy bills.

Infrared Heaters, in their correct niche, deliver all of the above benefits. So it really does make sense to consider changing.

Where would you use Infrared Heaters as opposed to other sorts of heater? (i.e. what is the correct niche?)

Where a building has an existing central heating system using heated water, it would not make sense to consider replacing the system with infrared heat, unless for specific circumstances your plan is to eliminate the closed water system all together. But where the presence of the water system is not in question, you are better advised to consider an air-to-water or ground-to-water heat pump or combination heat pump and solar for this type of application and maybe just use IR heat for top-up.

Infrared heating really comes into its own when you are considering heating open spaces in which for reasons of practicality, cost and elegance (in any combination), you cannot use central heating and choose to find energy-efficient alternatives to existing electric heaters, blowers, or gas heaters.

Infrared heating is great because - given the right brand - it can be very discreet - or made to fit-in with overall decor without looking like "just a heater". Gone are the clunky radiators and stand-alone gas heaters or electric heaters or bar fires. An IR element can be placed very discreetly in panels, mirrors, replica works of art, or ornaments suspended from the ceiling. So you really don't need to know they're there. Take a look at this room with a Redwell Infrared heater. Can you see where it is?

Anywhwere you can route a power supply, you can place an IR heater. So you are not constrained to position the heat source where it is convenient "for it". You can locate it where it is convenient for you. In certain applications this means you also don't need so many heaters in a given room.

Infrared heating heats objects, not the air, so again, you can place them for maximum effect for heating people and the room and don't waste energy just heating up the air in the room. No draughts ensue. No 'layers' of heat distribution in the air.

Infrared heaters have no moving parts, so heaters of a reputable brand are incredibly long-living. There is no interim service needed either. (But do ask your distributor about reliability. Like everything, there are reliable and unreliable brands).

Infrared heaters are not necessarily expensive to purchase.

Infrared heating of the right brand is up to 70 percent more energy efficient than other traditional types of heating. So you will save money on your electric bills and also help reduce carbon emissions and safeguard the environment. (Please note not all brands of Infrared Heating give up to this amount of energy-efficiency. Make sure you do you homework with your supplier).

If you have a heating requirement that sounds like Infrared heating could fit the bill, then consider pursuing it with a trusted adviser. Green Energy (Eu) Ltd exists precisely to help customers make the right choice.

In subsequent posts, we'll look at the energy-savings, health benefits, and building and installation benefits of Infrared Heating.

We'll also look at "how does infrared heating work?" and show you some typical products and applications of it.

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