Infrared and SAP ratings not yet in line with each other

SAP ratings are the UK government's "Standard Assessment Procedure" to assist the assessment of dwellings in terms of their energy efficiency and compliance with building regulations. SAP 2005 is the current performance benchmark for calculating the energy performance of buildings. SAP ratings are a key metric for developers to demonstrate their own adherence to carbon targets.

At present Infrared Heating is not categorised any differently from traditional "electric room heating", which as we've seen in past posts (see Energy-Savings from Infrared Heating") is not energy-efficient or cost effective. This situation puts developers and consumers at a disadvantage when trying to get projects that include Infrared Heating through building control. Green Energy (Eu) publishes an "Energy Facts" pack to assist developers and controllers with just this situation. (This information is Copyright Green Energy (Eu) who can vouch for its accuracy only for Redwell IR appliances. The information may or may not be generally applicable to other makes of Infrared Heater.)

The information in these factsheets can be used to assist buildings control officers calculate the energy-efficiency of IR heaters on their own merits and not just apply the current guideline without question.

As things stand, Green Energy Eu is working closely with the BRE (the Buildings regulation accreditations organisation) who is the body responsible for the SAP assessment methodology to help develop the distinction backed up by the appropriate evidence and controls. Our hope is to have Infrared Heating recognised as an individual category of energy-efficient electrical heating in the next SAP specification SAP2009 due to become operational in 2010.

Check back on this blog or on our website for latest news.

1 Response to "Infrared and SAP ratings not yet in line with each other"

Ener-jblog mengatakan...

Great post. Thanks for sharing.

Infrared Heating Panels

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