Energy-savings from Infrared heating

We've looked at how infrared heating works, the building and installation advantages of Infrared heating, as well as its health benefits.

This is the first of two posts about the energy-savings made possible by Infrared Heating over conventional forms of home heating. Important note: the following data applies only to Redwell Infrared Heating units. The same energy savings may or may not apply to other makes of heater. There are certainly cheap brands to which these savings definitely do not apply. (Buyer beware.)

At the most extreme end of the savings spectrum and probably unsurprisingly is the savings found against an oil-heated 12 room home of 225 m2 area. The house in question used a 60kWh oil heater (heating only) and required 16.95 kWh of Infrared heating.

When compared with night storage electric heating a 6 room house of 150m2 area required 30.10 kWh night storage heating input and just under 8kWh (7.988kWh) Infrared equivalent.

Finally, when compared against gas heating of a 4 room house of 136m2 area, which required a 10.26kWh gas burner, as opposed to 3.714 kWh IR heat input.

In all cases, be aware from previous posts that building and installation benefits (not expressable in terms of energy-saving) would also apply in all the houses above (e.g. elimination of flues, fuel storage etc).

Our next post will look at the financial implications of the energy-savings, when IR heaters were used over a winter period in different rooms of a house.

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