New! Energy-monitoring at circuit-level

Green Energy (Eu) now distributes the Edd:e - an energy consumption monitor that works at the individual circuit level.  This great system means that you can not only assess your overall energy consumption over time (the same as you can with meter-level monitors) but can then drill-down to the individual circuits and see what is going on in each of them.  This gives you the power to spot time and seasonal issues, location issues, equipment obsolescence issues much more precisely than meter-level monitors can.

In a town-centre "style bar" the Edd:e identified 50% savings in the cellar, due to the placement of units and the big swings of temperature being experienced there - simply by separating chiller units from the rest of the cellar with a partition.  Glass-fronted chiller units were also being left on the whole time, and yet a constant temperature could also be achieved by switching the units off by up to a third of their total time.

In a Contact Centre, Edd:e identified the excessive consumption from obsolete computer equipment leading to a saving of between 50% - 80% by replacement with newer equipment.  It identified an air conditioner running in a part of the building noone was using.  Turning this unit off resulted in a 5% saving of the entire building's energy consumption!

Edd:e provides a range of fully customisable reports and is easily installed.

After the shows - dealing with the interest!

The tradeshow round has just finished with Greenbuild Expo rounding off a very successful but also very busy couple of months.

We always thought that doing the four shows this year which have included Sustainability live; Grand Designs; The Greenbuild Expo where we also held a seminar plus the Homebuilding and Renovations show would all create a lot of interest both from domestic and commercial customers. And we also thought that we would interest potential distributors.

All the above has been happening in sheaves and it is now time to knuckle down and build on the fantastic contacts we have made over the last few months.

Our thanks to all of those who came to see us at all the exhibitions and we look forward to working with all of you.  Please don't hesitate to contact us at any time about the shows and what we discussed.

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