Save the Environment and Your Wallet with a Solar Power Water Heater

The sun produces untold trillions of watts of power, and even though we receive just a tiny fraction of that power, it is many times capable of empowering our entire world. For the past few decades, solar power has been gaining prominence as the technology matures and it becomes even more efficient and cheap to produce equipment for. Most people are familiar with solar panels that convert solar rays into usable electricity. However, solar power can also be harvested for its heat energy, as in the case of solar power water heaters, which don't use any source of power but the sun to heat water.

Millions of Degrees

The sun burns so brightly and hotly that it is many millions of degrees in temperature. When it reaches Earth it only warms us to 0 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. That might not seem too impressive, but there is still a great deal of heat in all of the solar rays that bombard us. The only problem is finding a way to harvest those solar rays. Most of them aren't absorbed, and if there were a way to effectively absorb many of them, a great deal of concentrated heat could be produced for our use. Solar power water heaters use solar panels to trap that heat and concentrate it (effectively making it hotter), so even though the atmosphere might not get hotter than 100 degrees, or even if it is below freezing, solar power water heaters can easily heat water up to 200 degrees (although they may require a backup source of energy from time to time).

Many consumers might be rightfully wary of purchasing any new technology, and solar power water heaters and no exception. However, as they mature, you can rest assured that the appliances will become even more reliable and efficient, so only make the purchase when you feel comfortable and assured. Even bigger savings can be achieved through the use of what are known as passive solar water heaters. Active models use pumps and other mechanical devices to move the warm liquid or air along, but passive versions achieve the same results without the use of those devices, so they save even more energy and consequently money.

If you're ready to start weaning yourself off of the power grid, then now is the time to upgrade to solar power water heaters. You'll end up saving hundreds of dollars a year, and you'll never have to worry about the energy being shut off because the sun won't stop burning for billions of years. On top of all of those savings, you'll also be able to sleep easier at night knowing you are doing what you can to help deal with the climate crisis and save the environment.

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