Choices abound for Electric Hot Water Heaters

The purchase of an electric hot water heater is not a small purchase for any homeowner, and trying to find the best electric water heater may make you feel harried and more than a little mentally frazzled. It would be wonderful if there was one best electric water heater for everyone. Then this article would be done and you would be on your way to the appliance store. It used to be that way because the only choices were number of gallons and electric or gas/propane. Since I cannot provide you with the single answer and be done, I’m going to provide you some hints and ideas for your expensive purchase.

Hints and Tips in the Electric Hot Water Heater Hunt

Its not 100 percent true but the longer the warranty on the electric hot water heater means that you are going to get a heavy gauge metal and other higher grade products. So the warranty length should be your first consideration.

How many gallons you need should be your second consideration. If your current water heater that you are going to replace with the electric hot water heater is 40 gallons and you always run out of water, consider the 50 gallons. With a 12 year warranty you are going to be with this appliance for a while, make it work for you.

You next item is the first hour rating, which gives you the information of how much hot water the electric hot water heater is going to deliver for your use if the first hour. This rating is not something most people know to check this item on an electric hot water heater or any other water heater.

If your are going with an electric hot water heater, you might also want to consider electric tankless hot water heater to add additional low cost heating to your system.

Last you need to verify that your new electric hot water heater has a high energy rating. Electric hot water heaters have some of the highest ratings. There is another reason to get this information, other than energy savings for you. Often, utility companies provide rebates for purchases of replacement appliances with energy ratings above a certain amount. Every energy company in every area can, and probably do, have different numbers which they have chosen. So when you have the information on the energy ratings of the models you would prefer, call the utility company and see which one will provide you the rebate.

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