Small Electric Water Heater Purchase Tips

Water heaters have come some real distance in options in the last ten years. They now have a small electric water heater that fits under a counter and has seven to ten gallon capacity. While this would be of little use to a homeowner to produce the hot water needed for a full family house, but they have many uses. This small electric water heater is perfect for a cottage, guest house, RV, efficiency apartment. There are a plethora of small electric water heater manufacturers and models available to choose from. The choices are such that the items that you would normally consider for a purchase of other full size appliances come into play.

One of the easiest ways to first determine which small electric water heater to purchase is to find and read carefully a electric water heater review. Once you have done this, seriously consider exactly what you want this small electric water heater to do. Such as, if it is to supplement an existing large water heater, what capacity do you need? If it is rarely used, would a tankless water heating system be better? They have a small electric water heater that produces hot water for perhaps an office break-room.

What you are calling on the small electric water heater to do, can give you additional options. If this is for occasional use in a cottage, the on demand water heater may be your best option. Or if its for an RV would a tankless system provide what you need and not have problems being out of use for months at a time.

Caveats in Purchasing a Small Electric Water Heater

The caveat list is not long, but it should be checked carefully to avoid wasting your money with a small electric water heater product that will not supply what you need.

Backflow issues if this is to be installed inline may require additional backflow valves.

If it produces seven to ten gallons of hot water we are not discussing a shower type of water heater.

While they plug into a normal outlet plug, make sure it will not overload the breaker it is on.

A tankless on-demand water heater does not have the same amount of waterflow as a regular water heater.

Most of these small electric water heater units are considered to be a booster, to provide additional hot water to an existing system.

The units may be small but the prices are not substantially lower on the small electric water heater than the regular full-size water heater.

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