What is electrosmog?

This post defines electrosmog, as it is a phrase we use in the Green Energy sites, you see quetions posted on Yahoo answers, etc. It needs tying down.

The passage of electricity through wires, transformers and solid state components of the machines that use it inevitably implies oscillation and the creation of electro-magnetic fields. This is "electromagnetic radiation". Strong electromagnetic radiation can actually induce a spark when there is sufficient charge and two conductive materials brought into close-enough contact with each other. We know this to be true when we feel a static electric shock.

The cumulative effect of electromagnetic radiation from gadgetry in your house, street, town is called "electrosmog".

Some machines, simply by nature of their function or power requirements create more "electrosmog" than others. For example household items that have to create high frequency electromagnetic waves by dint of their function:
- Cordless and mobile phones
- Baby monitors
- Wireless networks.

Others such as televisions and computers (especially old CRT ones) generate electrosmog because of their requirement for electrical transformers (strong electromagnetic fields) and high frequency operation of components such as cathode ray tubes (electromagnetic by function). High voltage power lines are also culprits due to the large EMR generated by high voltage and high frequency.

Why should you care?

Electromagnetic radiation can be classified as "ionising" or "non-ionising" forms.

Ionising EMR directly dreaks down cellular andf chemical structures. So for example, UV light, X-rays and Gamma Rays. These are all at the very high-frequency end of the electromagnetic spectrum. Machinery emitting such radiation is rarely found domestically.

However the lower frequency electromagnetic output of household gadgets (some listed above) produces "non-ionising" EMR and whilst this does not actively destroy tissue and chemical bonds, its effects are more insidious.

Electrosmog increases the likelihood of a condition known as "Electrosensitivity" in children, elderly people or people with lowered immune resistance. Symptoms are fatigue, disrupted sleep, headaches, possible behavioural disorders in children. Sensitivity to non-ionising EMR usually takes some time (5-10 years) to develop, although in some cases reactions have been noted much quicker.

There are movements, such as in Sweden and Germany, for governments to take action in the face of steadily increasing health issues, an underlying contributory factor to which could be electrosmog.

Infra red heaters are classified "Low Electrosmog" devices, because their power requirements are low and the radiation produced is very low frequency.

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