Infrared heater quality and cost

One of the big advantages of Infrared heating is in the absence of maintenance costs and its massive half-life. Not only does this give an owner considerable peace of mind, but it constitutes one of the big "hidden issues" (and costs) of gas or oil boilers.

The materials used in Redwell Infrared heaters, certainly, are sealed-for-life at manufacture and contain no moving parts. Components used in Redwell Infrared heaters have a life expectancy of 100+ years, giving the heaters at least a half-life of 50 years.

Compare this with a boiler which at the very least requires annual cleaning if not actual servicing of the igniter points, injector or blower. And a boiler's maximum life is only 25 years (quite apart from its massive reduction in energy-efficiency past year 5 which increases its running cost) which gives it a half-life of 12.5 years tops. (Cf our previous post on why you shouldn't just look at the purchase cost of IR Vs boilers when making a price decision).

You'll be replacing your boiler four times for every one investment in your infrared heating system. Leave aside the fact that IR heaters are so much cheaper to run.

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