Watching your consumption

Green Energy (Eu) has just launched a line of energy monitors via an OEM deal with their manufacturer. The "Eco Eye" is a device that sits in your house (anywhere: your kitchem, office, living room) and displays your electricity consumption in REAL-TIME whether in Kilowatts or Monetary value! The point is - you see exactly the effect of leaving electrical devices switched on in the house and what happens to your wallet - real-time - when you switch the kettle on.

Its manufacturers estimate that the Eco-Eye gives you savings of up to 15% on your energy bills just through introducing "behavioural change" with the way you use your appliances. The types of target customers is almost endless. This gizmo will benefit domestic users, small businesses, schools, public buildings, housing scheme managers, student diggs etc.

The unit doesn't require an electrician to install. A "sender" is clipped to the supply lead to your existing electricity meter and a transmitter then sends the real-time information to the display unit in your house.

The unit is fully programmable for different currencies and is able to log account history for you to allow comparison over time. There is also a (to my mind very) useful PC uplink capability to allow you to upload data to a PC where you can store it and analyse it using the more powerful capabilities of a home computer.

This item is definitely on my "go get" list.

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