Evaporative Cooling - revealing the "Con" in air conditioning

Green Energy (eu) now offers Evaporative Cooling to make a summer-time compliment to its Infrared Heating solution.

The energy-savings of this sort of cooling are staggering (90% plus!) when compared with air-conditioning.  If you think that air-con accounts for 15% of total US energy-use (261 billion kW annually - this incidentally also equates to the entire annual fossil fuel consumption of Africa), the possible money, energy and ecological savings offered by this sort of technology are remarkable.

Now, evaporative cooling does not reduce temperatures to as low a level as air-con. It will typically bring temperatures down to about 21°C, but this is a very respectable, comfortable level for a hot summers day.  There are other significant advantages which we show in the table below.

Evaporative Air CoolingRefrigerated Air Conditioning
Uses 10% of the electricity required by conventional air conditioningHigh electrical use due to refrigerant circuit compressor
No refrigerantsUses environmentally damaging refrigerants
Supplies 100% fresh, outside air and cools itProduces recycled internal air that is cool
Low Carbon Dioxide footprintHigh Carbon Dioxide footprint
Simple engineering, easier and cheaper to maintainComplex engineering, hard and expensive to maintain
Low purchase costHigh purchase cost
Performance improves at high temperaturesPerformance reduces at high temperatures
Open windows and doors provide effective evacuation of airMust not leave Windows & Doors open

As a sufferer of air-borne allergies at work caused by air-con,  I love that one about being able to leave windows and doors open!

This sort of cooling does raise relative humidity within the space being cooled, however at temperatures below 25°C (which is what you're getting) this does not produce any feeling of discomfort.  Nor is there a risk of condensation occurring if you follow the design guidelines for ensuring balanced airflow and evacuation that need to be followed when installing this sort of unit.

The question of Legionella does not apply to these systems as they operate below 25°C, do not let water stand and do not emit water droplets.  In 3 million installations worldwide, there has not been a known case of Legionnaires.

Evaporative Cooling really does present a compelling energy-saving case against air-con and while it won't compete in instances where really low working temperatures are required, for 90% of home or commercial applications, it sits right in the comfort zone.

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